How do I create a Standard Multiple Quantity Discount?

GameDay's Discounts feature allows users to create Single Quantity Discounts, whereby different amounts can be discounted based on the quantity of products purchased.

To create a Single Quantity Discount:

1. In the left-hand menu, click PROMOTIONS


3. On the Create Discount screen, complete all the details below:

  • Discount Name: The name of the discount that will appear in your GameDay database, and on the summary screen when the discount is applied on the selected form or event
  • Discount Type: Select STANDARD DISCOUNT
  • Discount Sub Type: Select MULTIPLE QUANTITY


4. On the Discount Details screen, complete any relevant details below:

  • Description: Enter an optional description if you want to note some information about the discount to be seen in your GameDay database
  • Available From: Choose the date on which the discount will start being available
  • Available To: Choose the date on which the discount will stop being available
  • Status: Choose whether to keep the discount in a Draft state or set it to Active or Inactive

Click SAVE

5. In the PRODUCTS & GROUPS tab, choose whether to apply the discount to:

  • All Active Products
  • A specific Product Type (I.e. all Membership products or all Merchandise products)
  • A specific Product

Click SAVE when you're ready

6. In the Discount Amounts tab, enter the information below:

  • Discount Type:
    • Percentage: Applies the discount as a percentage of the total amount payable
    • Amount: Applies the discount as a specific amount of the total amount payable
  • Discount(s): Enter the value of the discount that you want applied to each quantity of the product(s) purchased.

Click SAVE