Membership Forms | Overview

What is a Membership Form?

In GameDay, a Membership Form allows you to create, customise and publish a public-facing form for your members to complete as part of their registration to your organisation.

Membership Forms are a key asset and the central point to which you can add products, questions, messaging and branding to give your members a best-in-class registration journey.

When done well, setting up a Membership Form through your GameDay database can completely transform the way you operate, giving you an automated and user friendly solution for collecting memberships and fees, and developing a database with clean, relevant and valuable data.

Among the many benefits of using GameDay's Membership Forms are:

  • You can make use of our integrated payment gateway to offer payment methods including Visa, MasterCard, Apple Pay and Google Pay.
  • Incoming funds are automatically settled to your nominated bank account on a weekly basis.
  • You can customise the vast majority of a Membership Form to make it look like your own, putting your brand front and centre and giving your members a strong first impression.
  • You can customise the structure of your forms based on a registrant's date of birth, gender, member type, question responses and more, allowing a single form to automatically present the right information to the right people.
  • Form sharing allows higher levels of a hierarchy to create a form template and share it with lower levels of the hierarchy to add their own content and use it as their own unique URL.
  • Questions and products can be validated and mandated to ensure you are getting all the information you need from your members, and collecting payment at the point of registration.

Accessing GameDay's Membership Forms

To access the Membership Forms feature, click Membership Forms > MEMBERSHIP FORMS in the left-hand menu.

Membership Forms Features

The Membership Forms module is comprised of several integrated features:

My Forms

The My Forms tab allows you to create new Membership Forms, edit your existing forms, and access your front-end form links.

Shared Forms

If you are part of a hierarchy in GameDay, the Shared Forms tab allows you use any Membership Forms that have been shared to your organisation from a higher level.

Form Display Template

The Form Display Template allows you to customise the look and feel of your Membership Forms including the colour scheme, images and logos, and allows you to preview how your front end form will look on desktop and mobile devices - Learn More

Membership Forms List

The My Forms page shows a list of any Membership Forms that have already been created, with a range of information including:

  • Form Name
  • Member Types: Lists any Member Types that have been assigned as selectable options on the form.
  • Status: Denotes whether the form is in Active, Inactive or Draft status
  • Registrations: Denotes whether the form is currently accepting registrations
  • Last Modified Date: A timestamp of the last time the form was modified by an administrator

Page Actions

On the My Forms page, you can apply various other actions and display settings, including:

1. Create New Form: Create a new Membership Form from scratch.

2. Status Filter: Filter the My Forms list by Form Status.

3. Search: Search for individual Membership Forms by name.

4. List Table Settings: Define which fields display in the columns of the list table.

5. Edit: Edit the details of the Membership Form including basic settings, products, questions, layout, messages, publish status and more.

6. Actions: Expand the actions arrow to access the below features:

  • Open Form URL: Opens the front-end Membership Form URL.
  • Copy Form URL: Copies the front-end Membership Form URL to your clipboard.
  • Generate QR Code: Generates a QR Code which, when scanned, opens a link to your Membership Form.
  • Export Data to CSV: Downloads an export file of all members that have registered, and the details they have provided on the Membership Form.

For more information on processes relevant to the Membership Forms module, please refer to the Related Articles section of this article.