New Articles

  1. How do I export a Tabular Report?

    Tabular Reports can either be viewed directly through GameDay's interface, or if you need to further refine, filter or manipulate a report, you can export it to a CSV file following the steps below: 1. In the left-hand menu, click REPORTS ...
  2. How do I send a Payment Request for multiple unpaid orders?

    If you are an administrator for an organisation collecting payments online through GameDay, you have the ability to send an automated email to any members with an Unpaid order, prompting them to complete their payment online. To send a Payment ...
  3. How do I send a Payment Request for an unpaid order?

    If you are an administrator for an organisation collecting payments online through GameDay, you have the ability to send an automated email to any members with an Unpaid order, prompting them to complete their payment online. To send a Payment ...
  4. How do I export an event's participant data?

    GameDay administrators using the Events module to collect registrations have the ability to export to CSV all data collected through a specific event form. From this export, you can determine which entrants have completed the form, the questions th...
  5. How do I export registration data for a Membership Form?

    GameDay administrators using Membership Forms to collect registrations have the ability to export to CSV all data collected through a specific form. From this export, you can determine which members have completed the form, the questions they answe...
  6. Renewal Campaigns | FAQs

    Renewal Reminder Emails Can I see whether a member has been sent a renewal reminder in the past? Yes, you can find a log of any renewal reminder emails that have been sent to a specific member by going to Members > Members > View t...
  7. How do I login to GameDay?

    Welcome to GameDay! As a sport administrator, we're here to show you the ropes of GameDay's Membership & Event Management platform and empower you to lead your sport, association, club, centre or team into the digital age! Note : ...
  8. Reports | FAQs

    Dashboard Reports How do I know when the reporting period starts and ends for my Dashboard Report data? You can see the date range of a dashboard's data by looking for the Period field appearing below summary data on the dashboard. How...
  9. Products & Questions | FAQs

    Products How do I process an offline payment? Firstly, in order to allow a product to be processed manually as an offline payment, the product must have the Payment Option set to 'Payment Gateway or Manually set Product as Paid'. Thi...
  10. How do I create an Event Entry event with Sub-Events?

    Event Entry Events are events in which each entrant can enter into an event by registering and/or paying a fee. Administrators can further categorise these channels of entry by setting up Sub Events through which entrants can register. For exam...