Create Contacts
Overview Each organisation within GameDay has the capacity to keep a list of key contacts within their database as a way of storing contact details for individuals that may not necessarily need database access, or hold a membership with the org...
Create Organisations
As an administrator within an organisational hierarchy, you can create new organisations on an individual basis into that hierarchy directly through GameDay. Note : If you are at the lowest level of your hierarchy, this option will not be avail...
Create Seasons
GameDay administrators have the ability to create Seasons from scratch, which can then be linked to age groups and products to define active membership periods, product availability dates, and can be used as report filters among other benefits. ...
Create Age Groups
Age Groups provide administrators with a way to link date of birth ranges to specific Seasons and, in turn, to specific Products that are purchased through GameDay registration forms. The following guide will walk you through the process of crea...
Create Member Types
GameDay's Member Types functionality allows you to structure their member registrations and database based on custom groups to ensure members are able to identify with their own role or position within your organisation. By creating Member Types,...
Create Organisation ID Rules
GameDay allows administrators within a multi-tiered hierarchy to create custom Organisation ID rules, whereby new or existing organisations in the hierarchy can be assigned a unique ID that can be seen in the database and, in organisation reports....
Create Member ID Rules
With GameDay's Member ID feature, you can easily automate the allocation of IDs to members to keep track of each unique entity within your database, providing a powerful toolset to keep your data clean and enhance your member experience. The ...
Create Event ID Rules
GameDay administrators can set a rule to generate unique IDs when Events are created, through the Event ID feature. Note: I f you are unable to see this from your organisation, then this may not be enabled. If you are part of a national body pl...