Communications | FAQs

Do I need to use an Email Template every time I send a message through GameDay?

No, Email Templates are designed to create content that can be easily repeated at different times or for different groups of people. If you are just looking to send out a once-off email that you don't think will need to be repeated, you can use the Compose Message tab when sending an email to write the content from scratch

Can I upload images in my communications?

Yes, images can be uploaded to email communication templates as part of the Rich Text editor in basic templates, as well as by using the image block in custom HTML templates

Can I copy source code from another email template and use it as a GameDay email template?

Yes, using our HTML email builder, you can simply copy the source code from an external email template to render it as an email template in GameDay - Learn More

What's the difference between a Rich Text editor and a HTML editor?

A Rich Text editor allows you to create a basic email template, using standard formatting options such as bold and italic text, bullet points, headings, fonts, hyperlinks and mentions.

A HTML editor is a more comprehensive design tool that allows you to use building blocks and advanced functionality to design your own template, with a greater degree of control over style and branding.

Can I include merge fields in my emails to personalise the content to each recipient?

Currently, you can use the First Name and Last Name mentions through the in-built email template editors to merge in the name of each member receiving the email - Learn More