How do I update my member details through my Member Profile?


Using GameDay's Member Profile Portal, participants who have registered for an organisation at any time can login and update the member details they have provided as part of their registration, such as gender identity, contact details and address.

Accessing the Member Profile portal

The GameDay membership portal link can be found here

In addition to the generic portal link above, each sport has the ability to generate their own sport-specific membership portal that they make place on their website, social media channels or send around by other means.

Note: If you are a GameDay administrator, click here to learn how to access your sport's member profile portal

To login to the Member Profile Portal, you can use the same credentials you used to register for the sport. If you can't remember your password, you can reset it using the Forgot Password? link on the login page


Step 1: Choose your member

When you login to the Member Profile Portal, you will need to select the member profile you want to access. This may be a single member, or you may have multiple member profiles appearing here if you have used your account email (the email you used to login) to register multiple members to the sport. Select the relevant member to continue on to their profile

Step 2: Choose the field you want to update

In the Profile Details tab, you will see a number of editable fields. Click/tap the field you want to change and choose/type the new value

Step 3: Save the new details

When you've made your updates, click/tap SAVE
