Member List | Overview


In GameDay, your Member List is an important feature in helping you manage and understand your membership data. Using the Member List, you can take various actions including:

  • Viewing individual member records
  • Segmenting membership data by products purchased, organisations, seasons, age groups, member types and more
  • Communicating with members
  • Exporting a list of your members
  • Accessing your sport's Member Profile Portal to send to members to allow them to login and manage their details
  • Adding new members to your database manually

Accessing your Member List

On the left-hand menu, open the Members menu, then click MANAGE MEMBERS

Profile List

The Profile List displays all member profiles in alphabetical order (by first name by default) and lists generic information including email, phone number address and date of birth.

You can also create new members, use the search bar to search for any specific members, or filter members by Assigned Gender and Gender Identity.

Members By Product

The By Product list displays the members based on the products they have purchased. 

You can also email members in this list, or filter results based on Member Status, a specific Organisation's products (if you are a higher-level organisation in a tiered hierarchy), specific Products, Assigned Gender, or Gender Identity.

Members By Add-On Product

The Add-on Products list displays members based on any Add-on Products they have purchased.

You can also email members in this list, or filter results based on Transaction Status, specific Products or Product Sub-Types.

Members By Member Type

The By Member Type list displays members based on any Member Types they have been assigned as part of their registration.

You can also email members in this list, or filter results based on Member Status, Organisations (if you are a higher-level organisation in a tiered hierarchy), Member Types, Product Owners, Assigned Gender and Gender Identity.

Members By Organisation

The By Organisation lists displays members based on the specific organisation they are registered with.

You can also email members in this list, or filter results based on Member Status, Organisations (if you are a higher-level organisation in a tiered hierarchy), Assigned Gender and Gender Identity.

Members By Season

The By Season list displays members based on the Season that they have registered into.

You can also email members in this list, or filter results based on Seasons, Age Groups, Member Types, Member Status, Product, Organisation, Assigned Gender and Gender Identity.

Members By Financial Status

The Financial Filter list allows you to see the Financial Status that each member holds at each different level of your organisation hierarchy.

This list is based on the level at which a member has purchased a product. For example, if the member registers to a Club and purchases both a club-created product and a national-created product, they will be financial at the National and Club level, but unfinancial at every other level of the hierarchy.

This is reflected by the 'traffic light' system shown on the Financial Filter list, whereby a green tick represents financial status, and a red cross represents unfinancial status.

You can also email members in this list, or filter results based on the financial or unfinancial status at each level of the hierarchy.

Pending Members

The Pending tab shows you any members who have submitted a registration, but are being held in a Pending state. Through the Pending member list, you can approve or decline individual member registrations, or approve/decline member in bulk

Note: Pending members is an optional feature that is only available for certain sports. If you are unable to see the Pending members list, this means that your sport/hierarchy does not have the Pending members feature included in their plan, and members who register will go straight into your main Member List

Member Profile Portal

At the top of the page, you can access your sport's front-end Member Profile Portal link, which you can send around to members or place on your website or social media channels to provide your members with a public portal through which they can update their information, pay off outstanding orders, access receipts and tickets, and more. You can learn more about the Member Profile Portal here

What's Next?

Now that you're familiar with your member list, take a look at a few more options below to explore more of GameDay's whole membership management solution:

  Communicate with Members

  Explore member records

  Add Members Manually

  Set up your Member Profile Portal