If you are a Super User for your organisations, you can enable another admin user using the steps below.
1. Open the Account Menu and click USER MANAGEMENT
3. Enter all relevant information and click SAVE.
- First Name
- Last Name
- Email Address: The email address used by the administrator to login to GameDay
- Mobile Phone
- User Status: By selecting 'Enabled', this user will be able to login to the database to which you are granting them access
- User Roles: Select the relevant role that this user will have. This will determine the level of access that each user will have. You can learn more about the permissions granted to each user role here.
NOTE: Any super-user assumes the role of 'Primary Contact' so each super-user will get all automated notifications that get sent to an organisation under the existing 'Primary Contact' setting
You will see a notification in the top left-hand corner confirming that this user has been granted access and asking them to check their email.
Be sure to let the new administrator know to check their inbox and spam folders for this email, as this activation is required before they can set a password and log in.
The user will then be able to set their password and login to the platform via the email sent to their inbox.
Note: If you are part of a hierarchy, you can also add administrators to an organisation below you in the hierarchy. Simply login to the relevant organisation through GameDay and follow the process above.