If your organisation collects online orders directly through GameDay, you have the option to resend the payment receipt to the account email that made the original payment. Payment receipts are automatically sent to all registrants to confirm the products purchased, amount paid, vouchers redeemed and members registered, however manually resending the payment receipt through the GameDay database allows you to accommodate members who no longer have access to the original copy.
Note: Payment receipts can only be re-sent if the order status is Paid
Step 1: Navigate to the Finances section
In the left-hand menu, open the Finances section, then select MANAGE FINANCES
Step 2: Find and view the order
Find the relevant paid Order, then click VIEW
Step 3: Send the payment receipt
The original registrant will then receive their payment receipt to the email address associated with their GameDay account
Tip: You can check whether the email sent successfully through Members > Communications > Communication History