Administrators at the highest level of a hierarchy (I.e. a National body) have the ability to control the colour scheme of the background and buttons of their sport's Member Profile Portal
Step 1: Open the Settings menu
In the left-hand menu, click My Organisation > SETTINGS
Step 2: Find the Member Profile Display Template
As the top level of your hierarchy, you can access the design page for your member profile portal. Click the MEMBER PROFILE DISPLAY TEMPLATE tab
Note: If the organisation database you are logged into is not the highest level of your hierarchy, you will not see this option
Step 3: Adjust the colours
Here, you can change the following colour elements for your Member Profile Portal:
- Button Colour: Any buttons on the login page or in the portal itself will be assigned this colour
- Button Text Colour: The text of all buttons will be assigned this colour
- Background Gradient Primary: This controls the main background colour of the login page, and is also applied as the colour of the sidebar when members login
- Background Gradient Secondary: This applies a secondary gradient colour on the background of the login page
Step 4: Make sure the Contrast Checker has a Pass status
As you adjust your colours, you will need to make sure the colours assigned for buttons and your background are contrasted sufficiently to ensure people are able to read the text. To make sure this is happening, the Contrast Checker will give you a Pass, Fail or Warning status. Make sure this is showing as Pass before saving the template to give your members the best possible experience
Step 5: Preview the design
You can use the tabs above the colour controls to preview the following design options:
- Mobile vs Desktop View: Toggle these options to view a representation of how the colour scheme will look on desktop devices as opposed to mobile devices
- Login/Profile: Toggle these options to view how the login page of your Member Profile Portal will look as opposed to a view of the profile after a member has logged in
The preview will be displayed in the central panel
Step 6: Check the front-end
You can view the portal itself by navigating to Members > Members > MEMBER PROFILE PORTAL