

Membership Management | Overview
GameDay's Members module serves as a complete directory for your membership base and allows you to search, view, edit and manage all of your members in one place, whether they are currently registered with your organisation or not. Having a fir...
Member List | Overview
Overview In GameDay, your Member List is an important feature in helping you manage and understand your membership data. Using the Member List, you can take various actions including: Viewing individual member records Segmenting membership d...
 Member Records | Overview
What is a Member Record? In GameDay, you have the ability to view and manage any element of a member's record, including: Any information they have provided as part of their registration, such as basic details, parent/guardian details, emerge...
 Clearances | Overview
GameDay's Clearances feature allows you to request and manage any transfers from one organisation to another directly through GameDay. Note : Clearances can only be requested for existing members within your GameDay hierarchy. If you are requ...
Membership Renewal Reminders | Overview
GameDay's Membership Renewal Reminders section allows you to create automatic email campaigns reminding members to renew their registration, based on a previously purchased product. For example, any members that previously purchased the 'Athlet...
Membership Payment Campaigns | Overview
GameDay's Membership Payment Campaigns feature allows you to create automatic email campaigns, allowing members to progress to a direct payment link without completing a full registration form. This is typically useful in scenarios such as Auto...
 Accreditations | Overview
What are Accreditations? GameDay's Accreditations feature allows administrators to create custom accreditations which can then be assigned to members within that organisation's database. Administrators can define start and expiry dates and assi...