How do I manually add a question response to a member's record?


As a GameDay administrator, you can add responses to the custom question responses that were left blank on a member's registration by accessing the 'Member Activity' section of their member record.


Step 1: Open your Member List

In the left-hand menu, click Members > MEMBERS

Step 2: Open the relevant member record

Find the applicable member and click VIEW

Step 3: Open the Member Activity section

Click the MEMBER ACTIVITY tab at the top of the member's record

Step 4: Expand the relevant form

In the Forms tab, click the ARROW next to the relevant registration form. Any custom questions included on the form at the time of the member's registration will now display.

Step 5: Edit a blank question

To add a response manually to one of the questions that the member left blank, use the EDIT button and update the answer as needed

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