
Transfer members between two GameDay databases


How do I request a clearance for a member?
If your sport is using GameDay as a multi-tiered hierarchy, you can facilitate a clearance process, whereby one organisation can request a clearance for a member to be transferred into their database. That request can then be approved or rejected by...
How do I approve/reject a clearance?
As a GameDay administrator, if an organisation requests the clearance of one of your members to their database using the Clearances feature, you have the ability to approve or reject that request directly through GameDay. If you approve a clearan...
How do I view members clearance history?
To see an individual member's clearance history: 1. In the left-hand menu, click Members  > MEMBERS 2. Find the relevant member, then click VIEW . 3. Click on the MEMBER ACTIVITY tab in the member record. 6. Click on the CLEAR...