How do I...


How do I send an email to members?
Overview As an organisation managing a membership database, you can use member's provided contact details to send email messages directly through the Members section of your GameDay database. This can be done as an ad-hoc email, or you can u...
How do I target my emails to specific member groups?
Overview With members registering into your GameDay database, you can use the flexibility of your Member List to target your email communication to specific sub-sections of members, including: By Product By Member Type By Season/Age Group ...
How do I add member names to my email content?
Overview When creating an Email Template or a standalone email to send to members, GameDay administrators can tag the First Name and Last Name of their members when composing the content for an email template using the steps below to add some ext...
How do I upload an image to a basic email template? New
Overview GameDay's Communication feature allows images to be included in basic email templates by uploading a jpg or png file directly from your computer. Step-by-Step Step 1: Edit the relevant email template In the left-hand menu, click ...
How do I upload an image to a custom email template? New
Overview As part of GameDay's custom HTML email template builder, users can upload an image in jpg or png format directly from their computer using the Image content block Step-by-Step Step 1: Edit the relevant email template In the left...
How do I view sent emails?
Overview As an administrator using the Communications feature within GameDay, you can access a log of any email messages you have sent out to your members or participants, including any custom emails, registration success notifications, payme...