The Promo Ribbon displays at the top of your website, above the main navigation menu and main header. (And above the club ribbon if you are using that Add On).
Select the Promo Ribbon tab to access the promo ribbon settings
Show Ribbon
Toggle this switch to Yes to display the Promo Ribbon
Ribbon Link
Insert a link here if you would like the promo ribbon text to link to another page
Ribbon Text
Enter text here that will display on your promo ribbon. If you have inserted a link, the text will display as a hyperlink to the URL you have added into the Ribbon Link area.
Background Colour
Click on Select Colour to choose the background colour of the promo ribbon
Promo Image
Instead of displaying text and a background colour you may wish to display an image in the promo ribbon area. Click Add Image to upload an image that will display instead of text. Recommended max width is 1600px. Note that once added there is some spacing around the image for full width screens, so you may wish to apply a background colour as well.
The height of the ribbon will adjust according to your image height.
Image Display
Select one of the below options to choose how your promo ribbon will display:
- text only - only the text you have entered in the Ribbon Text box will display
- Image: actual size with background colour - The image uploaded will display as its original size. No text will be displayed.
Scroll up and click the Update button to save any changes and publish them to your website.