The following items have been released:
New Features:
- User Interface: Secondary Menus now display as a drop-down [View Support Article]
- Gave participants/guardians the ability to login to the web portal and view/update their details (contact details, transactions etc) [View Support Article]
Registration Forms:
- Conditional Products functionality [View Support Article]
- We released the Calendar screen, giving users a single day view of all games across their venues, including the ability to drag/drop, and see games from other leagues. [View Support Article]
Resolved Issues:
- Member Types setup in form in Admin section do not reflect correctly on Rego form
- National Confirmation Email Inherited by Lower Level Organisations
- Processing Fee is not visible on Rego Form for PVT National Products
- Create New Competition error message fixed
- Venue status - unable to edit - current functionality only allows editing by owner of the venue.
- Unable To Add A Ladder Adjustment