In this release we;
- Removed the secondary menu, meaning one less click each time an administrator navigates to a different page
- Released the ability to display products conditional to member type, gender and DOB range
- Released the ability to display questions conditional to member type, gender, age range and response to other questions
- Resolved a number of Membership related defects
The following items have been released:
New Features:
- User Interface: Secondary Menus now display as a drop-down [View Support Article]
- Registration Forms: Conditional Products functionality [View Support Article]
- Allow Conditional products based on member type
- Product screen to appear on registration form for non-playing member types
- Registration form to display Conditional products based on member type
- Registration Forms: Conditional Questions functionality [View Support Article]
- Set-up Conditional questions based on member type, gender, age range and responses to other questions
- Registration form to display Conditional questions based on criteria for member type, gender, age range and responses to other questions
Resolved Issues:
- Resolved an error prompted by a Search for a member on the 'By Membership' tab
- Memberships tab now only shows members who have memberships belonging to that organisation or from within the hierarchy
- Resolved an issue when signing out of a registration form causing an error when registering a new account
My Organisation:
- Finances: Restore ability to export settlements