Popular Articles

  1. How do I send an email to members?

    Overview As an organisation managing a membership database, you can use member's provided contact details to send email messages directly through the Members section of your GameDay database. This can be done as an ad-hoc email, or you can u...
  2. Member List | Overview

    Overview In GameDay, your Member List is an important feature in helping you manage and understand your membership data. Using the Member List, you can take various actions including: Viewing individual member records Segmenting membership d...
  3. Building a basic layout with Gutenberg

    Let’s start off simple. Say you just want to build a basic blog post layout that includes: Regular text An image A quote An embedded YouTube video Here’s how you’d do it with Gutenberg: First, you’d write your entire post in the editor. Or, ...
  4. How do I create a GameDay account?

    Overview To create an account to register yourself or your children, you will need a link to a registration form from your organisation, so if you do not already have access to one, please contact your organisation directly to get this registra...
  5. How to show a discount on the product page instead of at the Cart or Checkout

    If you are reading this article you are probably wondering why when you create a cart level promotion, it doesn't appear to the customer until they reach the cart. You may want a customer to be able to see that a product is discounted on the actual ...
  6. ECAL | Publishing an event calendar to your GameDay website

    Note:  This process only applies to organisation that use GameDay Events AND have a Stack Commerce Website As a GameDay Events user who also has a Stack Commerce  Website , you can use the integrated ECAL functionality available in your GameDa...
  7. How do I register myself to an organisation?

    Overview GameDay's registration platform allows members or event entrants to register with specific organisations using an email-based GameDay account. Step-by-Step Step 1: Open the organisation's form and create a GameDay account Open th...
  8.  Member Records | Overview

    What is a Member Record? In GameDay, you have the ability to view and manage any element of a member's record, including: Any information they have provided as part of their registration, such as basic details, parent/guardian details, emerge...
  9. How do I edit a member record?

    GameDay allows administrators to manually update information that has already been recorded on member records: To update information on a member record: 1. In the left-hand menu, click Members  > MEMBERS . 2. Find the applicable member, then...
  10. Changing the Sidebar links (next to the slideshow images)

    The location of the Slider Sidebar links can be seen here on the front end.  STEP 1 Click on the Home Page Options link form the dashboard. and then select the "slider sidebar" option. STEP 2 Add the button text and button li...